Buy Online
Have LFC delivered to your doorstep! We ship to 40 states and territories. Buy one time, or join our Wine Club for regular shipments.
Shipping Tips
Shipping boxes hold multiples of three bottles – make sure to fill your box and get the most bang for your buck in shipping cost! Quantity discounts are available at 6 and 12 bottles.
Need help choosing your wine? Call 231-995-0500 and our staff will be happy to assist!
Please note: To avoid prolonged exposure to temperatures which may adversely affect the quality of our products, orders placed Thursday-Sunday will ship out on Monday.
Left Foot Charley Wine Clubs
For access to exclusive prices on bottles, glass pours, merchandise, events, and more join one of our Left Foot Charley Wine Clubs.

Monday 5pm - 9pm
Friday 4pm - 8pm
Saturday 2pm - 8pm
The Barrel Room
1400 Yellow Dr
Traverse City, MI 49684
Tasting room Hours
Sunday-Monday 12pm - 6pm
Tuesday-Saturday 12pm - 7pm
The Tasting Room
806 Red Dr
Suite #100
Traverse City, MI 49684